The Weekend Leader - Facebook riposte

The hunter’s patient is always greater than that of the prey: Sanjiv Bhatt


Vol 2 | Issue 39

Suspended IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt, who had accused Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi of complicity in the 2002 communal riots, has answered the charges of his critics in a recent post on his Facebook wall.

Bhatt, who was arrested recently allegedly on false charges of threatening a police constable to sign an affidavit that implicated Modi in the riots, has said he had come out with the facts “at the first opportunity.”

Sanjiv Bhatt has clarified that he spoke out at the first available opportunity

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His Facebook post said: “Many people have questioned my silence from 2002 to 2009. All I have to say to them is that I was privy to the information pertaining to the Gujarat Carnage of 2002 as an officer of the Intelligence Bureau and hence could not have officially divulged the information otherwise than under a binding legal obligation.”

“Despite having been cited as a witness in the complaint of Mrs. Zakia Jafri in 2006, it was only in 2009 that I was called upon to depose by the Supreme Court appointed SIT. I came out with all the relevant and germane facts at the very first opportunity.”

The police officer added that it had been a very patient wait for him (to speak out the truth) and not an easy one at that.

He states: “The patience of the law enforcer has always got to be greater than that of the law breaker. The patience of the hunter is always greater than that of the prey. It is not the kind of patience as in waiting passively.”

“It is the kind of patience that requires you to hold on and keep going at your objective in spite of all the odds being loaded against you.”

“It is the kind of patience that requires you to hold on to the truth and everything connected with it, even when the simple act of bringing out the truth is seen as nothing short of hara-kiri.”

“This kind of patience is not easy but it is definitely very rewarding and satisfying. And ultimately our only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to ourselves. Nothing else really matters.” – TWL Bureau

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