History is littered with success stories of positive thinking

Vol 0 | Issue 1
Positive thinking is an attitude of looking at the brighter side of things. It enables you to hope for favorable results from the worst conditions.
Everyone faces problems and setbacks in life but with a positive outlook, you can remain optimistic. When you expect the best out of life, you do not dwell on bad things, and thus bypass all negativity.
The most successful people throughout history had this one common trait; they all recognized the power of positive thinking. Gandhiji was a strong advocate of positive thinking. He believed -“A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.”
Positive thinking helps you to believe in yourself. It motivates you to set goals and reach for them. When you are expecting positive results, there are no negative thoughts to hold you back.
Your firm faith that all is going to be well not only makes you give your best but also prepares you to face the challenges that come your way.
Positive thinking thus leads to positive actions which in turn translate into positive results.
Positive thinkers find a way to look at the positive in any situation. Instead of lamenting or grumbling about things not working their way, they make efforts and look for solutions to fix their problems.
Since they are convinced of positive results of their efforts, they remain upbeat and optimistic. This helps them to dismiss unfounded fears, and insulates them from all anxiety and uncertainty related to the outcome of the results.
Positive thinking is a simple premise but its results are phenomenal. By making you an "I CAN do it" person, it enhances your confidence and adds on to your positive self-image.
With a positive mindset, you will never give up trying. Temporary setbacks and failures won’t let you down for long and you will bounce back on your feet at the first opportunity.
When you think positive, you focus more on solutions rather than dwell on difficulties. You spend time to build up your strengths rather than feel sorry for your shortcomings.
Positive thinking is thus powerful thinking. Miller’s words, “Your living is determined not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens" have stood the test of time and still hold true.
While positive thinking can drive you to success and contribute to a prosperous life, negative thinking can be detrimental to successful living.
Negative thinking creates doubts and fears in your mind and prevents you from accepting challenges in life. When you have negative thoughts, fear of failure clouds your confidence and shift your focus from what you are capable of doing to what you are unable to achieve.
Positive thinking thus involves turning off the negative thoughts and replacing them with encouraging ones.
Positive thinking, however, does not mean that negatives don’t exist. There is a thin line between thinking positive and living in a state of denial. A positive thinker does not refuse to recognize the negative; he refuses to dwell on it.
In a world where doubts and fears thrive, maintaining a positive attitude is indeed challenging. But if you want to achieve success in life, you have to consciously build this mindset. No matter what happens in your life, be determined to think positively.
Start each day in a positive manner. Maintain a positive frame of mind; let go of your negative thinking and work towards nurturing and believing in yourself and your positive thoughts. This is the success strategy that you will need to pave your path to success.
"Forget about all the reasons why something may not work.
You only need to find one good reason why it will." - Robert Anthony
The Author is a Motivational counselor, Speaker, Ophthalmologist, and Author of 'Principles of Success made easy-14 easy steps to climb the ladder of success.'