Be enthusiastic about your goals, you will reach them

Vol 0 | Issue 1
Successful people across the globe have one common thread- they all love what they do and are passionate about their work.
Michael Dell, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Ralph Lauren, Steven Spielberg, Ted Turner and Michael Jordon were all school or college dropouts. Yet, they achieved stupendous success primarily because they were passion driven and had a deep desire to accomplish their goals. Their zeal drove them to live the life of their dreams.
Passion is the internal drive that makes you go fervently in pursuit of your goals.
Passionate people have a burning desire to succeed. They are excited about their goals and pursue them with great enthusiasm. This is what makes them stand apart from others and gives them a competitive edge.
Passion gets the best out of you. When you are enthusiastic about your goals, you are committed to make things happen. You put your heart and soul into it and it reflects in your work.
You not only enjoy your job but also inspire others around you. The drive and the excitement propel you forward and passion thus becomes instrumental in bringing your success.
Nothing great has ever been accomplished without passion. It is the quintessential ingredient for success.
Donald Trump once rightly said- “Without passion you don't have energy, without energy you have nothing.” Passion fuels your ambition and drives you to zealously go in the direction of your dreams.
Succeeding in any field requires an enormous amount of hard work and dedication and passion is what keeps you committed to your goals. Passion helps you navigate difficulties and face the challenges boldly. It keeps you going even through tough times when the odds are stacked against you.
Martin Luther King Jr. beautifully captured the essence of passion for work in one of his most meaningful quotes- “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”
To succeed in today’s competitive world you need to be passionate about your goals. When you are driven by passion, you will be determined to make things happen. You know what you want and you will make every possible effort to accomplish your goals. This will lead you on the road to success and help you achieve your greatest dreams.
“A strong passion will ensure success,
for the desire of the end will point out the means.” -William Hazlitt
The Author is a Motivational counselor, Speaker, Ophthalmologist, and Author of 'Principles of Success made easy-14 easy steps to climb the ladder of success.'