Do not wallow in self-pity, accept responsibility for your life

Vol 0 | Issue 1
When the ace Indian batsman and cricket icon Yuvraj Singh was diagnosed as suffering from mediastinal seminoma, he was angry, confused and repentant.
However, soon the initial shock wore off and he came to terms with it. Yuvi then started reading Lance Armstrong’s biography to draw inspiration and to help him pull through the illness.
Lance Armstrong is a cancer survivor himself. The American road racing cyclist did not give up and when he was diagnosed with the metastatic disease. Despite all odds he overcame the cancer and went on to win the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times.
It’s heartening to know that our Yuvi, like Lance, has neither given in nor given up. Instead, he has chosen to face his reality and accepted the responsibility that he is going to fight.
His remark, “I am a fighter and I will return stronger than ever” truly highlights the sportsman spirit.
Sometimes during the journey of our life we find ourselves in situations where things look difficult, dark and nebulous. In such troubled times, it is easy to look at yourself as a victim, indulge in self-pity and blame your circumstances for your plight. However, it takes courage to keep the faith and take full responsibility of whatever is happening in your life.
Oprah Winfrey is a living example of how you can take charge of your life and steer it to your chosen direction. Despite all her disadvantages, she was still able to break through and produce outstanding results in life because she decided to take full responsibility of her life.
She let go of her childhood pain, hurts and abuse and freed herself of the blame and anger towards the circumstances and people in her past. She could have led an easier life on sympathy and victim attitude but chose to tackle it otherwise.
Oscar Pistorius, the famous South African sprint runner also popularly known as ‘Blade Runner’ did not let his double amputation put him on hold. He took charge of his life and set a goal for himself which few able-bodied men would dare to accomplish.
With his determination and single-minded dedication, he overcame his physical disability and went on to become ‘the fastest man on no legs.’
There are numerous examples of men and women who despite adversity, physical disability and hardships neither give up nor blamed other people and things around them for what they went through. They took control of their life by taking full responsibility.
The journey of success is never easy. There are many obstacles, stumbling blocks and speed breakers en route. Successful are those who look for solutions and way out of their problems without blaming the circumstances or other people.
The famous writer Michael Korda once rightly remarked, “Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility. In the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have is the ability to take on responsibility.”
Not taking responsibility may be less challenging and more comfortable. You can just take it easy and blame other people or circumstances around you for the situation you are in. But there is always a price to pay. When you blame others for things happening in your life, you are giving them the power to be in command of your life.
Many a times, what happens in your life is beyond your control. But what really matters is how you respond to those events. You can blame, give excuses and let yourself be a victim, or you can choose to take full responsibility of your life and make a decision to boldly face life ‘Head on.’ It is how you look at your life that matters most.
The Author is a Motivational counselor, Speaker, Ophthalmologist, and Author of 'Principles of Success made easy-14 easy steps to climb the ladder of success.'
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Ophthalmology is her profession, motivational counseling and writing passions