How to stay updated with The Weekend Leader?

Vol 0 | Issue 1
Most people come back every weekend to the website to check out the exciting new content that you've come to expect from The Weekend Leader (TWL).
You'll be pleased to learn that starting this week TWL is introducing multiple new features that will allow you to be updated automatically without having to remember to check the website every week.
The new box that you see at the top of the right hand column gives you easy access to RSS feeds, a weekly email digest and the TWL Facebook page; all great ways to stay aware of new content on TWL as it is published. Additionally, we've got quick links that help you let others know about the website, and to spread the word.
RSS feeds
TWL is now available in your RSS feed reader. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a stream of data which is readable by feed readers such as Google Reader. All you have to do is let the software know where it can find this free source of information (in our case you’ll find it at, and it will automatically pull in articles from our site as and when they're published.
It may be a good idea to start using the RSS feed reader, if you have still not tried it out. The advantage is that you can simply point your feed reader to some of the best newspapers out there, and it will automatically update you with the latest articles that they publish. TWL is now one of these RSS enabled publications.
Every week, you will be updated on the articles to be posted periodically in the newly created Daily Leader section – which will start having daily content soon - and the usual weekly magazine on Friday mornings! If you subscribe to the RSS feed, you can expect to see these articles in the RSS feed as they are published on the website.
Weekly email updates
If you would rather have TWL come to you on your email, you can choose to receive the free email digest that is sent out weekly. Just enter your email ID and we’ll send you a mail once a week on Friday, thus ensuring that you never miss another issue of TWL. Your weekly fix of The Weekend Leader, right in your inbox!
Facebook Fan Page
If you’re an ardent fan of Facebook, we have a page there that will help you stay up to date with the latest posts and discussions that are happening. Join the page by clicking the like button, and see updates right in your News Stream! You can then join the comments on Facebook and share individual articles by ‘liking’ them.
Spread the word
The Weekend Leader strives to radiate the goodness and positivity in our community, that’s something worth sharing. Use the buttons provided on the side to share the website with your friends on various social networks.
Disqus Comments
Starting today, we also have a new comment system, Disqus – besides the existing Facebook enabled ‘like’ option.
Disqus allows you to post as a guest or log in with your social media user ID (Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, Open ID or Disqus) to keep track of your comments and the ratings on your comments.
With all these options to stay connected, there’s hardly a reason not to be up to date on the good things happening around us. We invite you to send us a note, or leave a comment about whether you like these features, and whether you’d like to see any more features implemented on the website.