The Weekend Leader - Moon plot owner sees his dream coming true

Moon plot owner sees his dream coming true



An Indian, who bought a five-acre plot on the moon 16 years back, feels that India successfully launching its lunar mission Chandrayaan-2 on Monday has given him hope of landing on the moon in his life time.

Rajeev V. Bagdi, who purchased the plot of land on moon for $140 from New York-based Lunar Society International in 2003, said that India's second lunar mission in 11 years was for the goodness of the entire mankind.

"As an Indian I feel proud over the successful launch of Chandrayaan-2. It will bring lot of goodness to the mankind," Rajeev told IANS.

India's second lunar mission was on track as its 'Bahubali' GSLV rocket successfully put the moon spacecraft -- Chandrayaan-2 -- into the orbit in a copy book style on Monday afternoon.

Bagdi is hopeful that moon tourism will start by 2030. "When I purchased the plot, I thought at least my coming generation will benefit from it, but now I am hopeful that I will be able to go to the moon with my family," said Bagdi, who owns an ayurveda store.

Like many others, Bagdi was fascinated by the moon since his childhood. "I don't know why I was so inquisitive about the moon. While surfing the internet, I came across an article on moon land selling. I studied it, did my research and took a decision to buy the plot," he said.

He has official documents issued by the Lunar Republic, including registered claim and deed for lunar property, declaration of citizenship and map.

"Rajeev Bagdi is the true and legal owner of the property located at Mare Imbrium (Sea of Rains) 32.8 degree north latitude, 15.6 degree west longitude track-30," reads the deed registered by the Lunar Registry in New York on July 27, 2003.

"I have claim on moon from that society. If their exploration becomes successful, if they succeed in making human tourism on moon a reality and take control of this land parcel, they will honour the deed as per the map given," explained Bagdi.

Bagdi, who's also a stock market analyst, believes that he had invested in something good and had taken a calculated risk. He said he trusted Lunar Republic because under international treaty about extraterrestrial property, only such an organisation can claim ownership.

"There is nothing illegal. It is a privately funded exploration. It may kick-in or it may fail. I had invested in a project which can help the mankind over a time. At least the coming generations should feel that our forefathers acted with foresightedness," he said.

Bagdi also said that lakhs of people from around the world purchased the plots on moon. Rajeev's cousin Lalit Mohata also followed his footstep.

"When I bought the plot, people laughed at me. They called me a fool and lunatic. I felt happy for giving them a break," he said.

Bagdi pointed out that going to the US was a big thing a couple of decades ago. "Today, a member of almost every Indian family is in the US. The same thing may also happen with moon 20 years down the line," he added. IANS 

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