The Weekend Leader - London museum acquires objects documenting XR movement

London museum acquires objects documenting XR movement



The Victoria and Albert (V&A) museum in London has acquired a number of objects that document the movement by Extinction Rebellion (XR) - a global activist group calling for urgent action on climate change through acts of non-violent resistance and civil disobedience.

Since its first public action on October 31, 2018 urging the UK government to declare a climate and ecological emergency and commit to reducing emissions to net zero by 2025, the movement has grown into an international movement with over 363 groups active in 59 countries around the world.

The museum, with footfall of millions every year, has acquired the open-source Extinction Symbol, the Declaration that accompanied their first act of Rebellion, and flags carried during mass demonstrations.

Selection of these new acquisitions went on display in the V&A's Rapid Response Collecting Gallery this week.

In addition, the V&A Museum of Childhood has acquired a child's high-visibility jacket worn during a peaceful XR rebellion. The jacket will be shown with banners, stamps, flags and posters as well as photographs that tell the story of how XR engages with young families. IANS 

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