The Weekend Leader - Twitter trends with birthday greetings for PM Modi

Twitter trends with birthday greetings for PM Modi

New Delhi


 From film stars, sports persons, politicians, BJP leaders, commoners and admirers, Twitter was flooded with greetings for Prime Minister Narendra Modi as he turned 69 on Tuesday.

Several Twitter hashtags made it to the top India trends on the micro-blogging site.

While #happybirthdaynarendramodi topped the chart in India, the other hashtags were #HappyBirthdayPM and #ShriNarendraModi.

The other hashtags doing the rounds along with birthday greetings to the Prime Minister were: #HappyBDayPMModi, #NarendraModiBirthday, #HappyBirthdayPMModi, #HBDModi and #HappyBirthdayModi.

Former athlete PT Usha tweeted: "Wishing you a very happy birthday, Shri @narendramodi ji. Sports, just like other fields has grown tremendously under your leadership. May god bless you with a long and healthy life! #HappyBirthdayPM."

Sand artiste Sudarshan Pattnaik tweeted with a picture of a sand sculpture he had made greeting the Prime Minister. He wrote: "Happy Birthday Hon'ble PM Modi ji. My sand art with message: 'Millions of blessings' with you for #NewIndia, at #Puri beach. #SwachhataHiSeva #JalShaktiAbhiyan #SayNoToSingleUsePlastic #PoshanMaah2019."IANS

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