The Weekend Leader - Are you treating your hair right?
Sunday,2 Mar 2025

Are you treating your hair right?

New Delhi


Who doesn't want a long, shiny mane? But for that it is essential to treat your hair right. Here are a few tips to show love to your neglected tresses.

* Balanced diet
Junk food and caffeine can be disastrous for your hair quality and growth. Make sure you include protein-rich food in your diet, as well lots of fruits and green leafy vegetables. Water too can work wonders on hair.

* Say no to hair-styling using heat
Avoid too much heat-based styling in salons. Prolonged use of blow dryers, straightening and curling irons can lead to thinning and falling of hair. Heat can also cause split ends. Let your hair dry naturally in the air, and while using a dryer, put it on 'cold' setting.

* Consider changing your pillow cover
Eight hours of tossing and turning on a cotton pillowcase may cause friction. So, if you wake up with a million strands of hair on your pillow, consider a switch to silk or satin cover.

* Avoid tight buns and ponytails
Tight hairstyles may make you look more put-together, but are tugging away at your hair roots and scalp. To avoid hair loss, let your hair loose, or better, braid them up to protect them from exposure to pollution and dust. Keep changing your hairstyles so you are not wearing the same one everyday. Statement hairdos are unique, but a little change is always good.

* Clean everything your hair comes in contact with
Regularly clean out hair brushes, combs, styling products, even hair ties and bands, so that your hair are not feaing with bacteria.IANS 

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