The Weekend Leader - We Report News & Stories that Matter
Just being Nidhi

Being on TV every night, grilling top politicians, and hobnobbing with the rich and the famous may seem glamorous, but Nidhi Razdan reveals the hard work her strenuous job demands

A social rebirth

From a manual scavenger, deprived of all human dignity, Usha Chaumar has come a long way in life to land a decent job at a food production unit run by Sulabh International. Marianne de Nazareth tells us the incredible story of redemption

Rocket woman

India’s ‘rocket woman’ Tessy Thomas, who is being compared to Abdul Kalam, is heading a project to develop Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles, which can hit targets that are 5,000 km away 

Beyond her years

Meet 11-year-old Vishalini whose IQ is around 225, higher than that of the Guinness record holder, whose IQ is around 210. Perachi Kannan who met the girl is amazed at her achievements 

Builder's secret

Billionaire realtor Kushal Pal Singh of DLF almost sold his stake in the company for Rs.26 lakh, but later decided to fight back and today heads the Rs.32273 crore business empire

In the news

Mumbai’s leading tabloid Mid-Day featured The Weekend Leader in an article on new media players in the Indian market covering happy stories unfolding across India

My book

TGC Prasad, author of “Unusual People Do Things Differently” (Portfolio, Penguin) and "Along the Way" (Rupa, Fiction) speaks to Faraaz Kazi on his books, life, and future. 

Giving back

Sonya Sadhwani, an Indian origin businesswoman, whose grandfather arrived in Ghana in the 1920s and became a top businessman, wants to give back to society and is getting into charity work

King of farms

An Indian-origin man, who started a peanut farm a few years back in Argentina, has scripted an agriculture success story in a short span, and now owns nearly 30,000 hectares of farmland

Media’s distaff side

If the woman journalist has come a long way in India, it is not without aggressive networking. Manipadma Jena finds out how much of the gender gap has been closed in newsrooms over the years

Grand opening

The success of the Formula One Indian Grand Prix has given birth to a new culture of motorsport in a country that otherwise is obsessed with cricket, Bollywood and politics, says Anand Philar

Thanking the cops

Nobody talks about the cops when things go well. But Rahul Vaishnavi is all praise for the Delhi police personnel, who missed Diwali with their families to ensure the safety of Delhiites

Indians shine

Three Indian Americans - two of them with Chennai connections - have received America’s highest honours for their research and innovation from US President Barack Obama

Gem of an idea

The idea of one man changed the face of an obscure Rajasthani village called Nagla Sirsiyan, which now has 25 gem polishing units. Earlier, the men went to Jaipur for jobs, says Anil Sharma

Dream house

Rubina Ali, one of the popular child actors in ‘Slumdog Millionaire’, who used to live in a slum till not too long ago, will soon move to a posh flat in the upmarket locality of Bandra West

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