The Weekend Leader - We Report News & Stories that Matter
Changing the social fabric

From driving a BMW to taking a bus ride, everything changed suddenly for Dilip Barooah, who in turn changed the lives of many in trouble-torn Assam. Kavita Kanan Chandra tracks the story

A honey story

A tailor tasted sweet success by turning to apiculture in Kashmir’s Uri area. Now Mohammad Sidiq wants to send honey across to Pakistan. Afsana Rashid flies into his hive to stitch a report

Head boy

It was an achievement that changed the world view of Kashmiri youth itself. But behind the success of Shah Faesal, who stood first in the 2009 civil services list, is a poignant tale that Jehangir Rashid narrates

Flower girl

Amidst the booming guns, the bloom of flowers fascinates Nusrat.  She runs a cut-flower business in Kashmir, thus breaking the moulds set for women.  Afsana Rashid breathes in the fragrance

Aiming for the stars

Most middle class parents dream of sending their children to IIT. But Ruchi Kaushik personally groomed her son, Sahal, who made it at the age of 14. Abhishek Pandey speaks to the super mom.

He hops on, simply

He had done many things. But it was his erstwhile Air Deccan that helped the middle class ‘simply fly’. Sudha Narasimhachar met Captain Gopinath to find out more about him than is already known.

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